Who am I?

My name is long and unpronounceable. A heady mix of Ukrainian, Austrian and English heritage, I’m passionate about many things: music (both live and recorded); art, architecture and design; photography; skiing; sailing, and pleasure in all its forms.

My friends and family are my rock, and I’m happiest when surrounded by the people I love with great food and fine wine involved. I adore walking barefoot along a sandy beach on a sunny day; pointing a camera at inanimate objects, or browsing in a record shop (I REALLY like record shops). If I can combine all of the above in a 24-hour period, then you have my perfect day.

I love to travel, but really don’t do it as often as I should. The experience of waking up in the morning, knowing that you have a day to explore a place you’ve never seen before (or even revisiting somewhere you love) is one of life’s great feelings, and there are so many places still on my list…

I’ve spent 30+ years in the world of design and construction, in which time I’ve been part of the wonderful process of taking 2D ideas and turning them into 3D reality. Good architecture and design always takes my breath away: bad design invokes the gag reflex. The same can be said of art and music – but I’m more tolerant of music. There are only two kinds; music I’ve heard, and music I’ve yet to hear.

So what is this preamble in aid of? Well, I was prompted to start this blog after receiving positive feedback from family and friends (together with my Macmillan nurse) regarding the messages sent to them during the early days of my cancer diagnosis and treatment. Irrespective of the stuff and nonsense posted here, if my continuing trials and tribulations can be of some help to others who have yet to experience this journey, then this site will have served a useful purpose.

Whatever else you’ve heard about me is probably true / a lie / libellous / involves Swarfega (look it up).

PS. “Last Shop Standing” is a documentary film that might help explain my love of record shops – try to see it:

8 thoughts on “Who am I?

  1. Hi Theo ,
    hope all ok with you.
    my wife had right tonsil cancer so had laser removal plus bilateral neck dissection last year with 35 sessions RT.
    She ended up with Lymphedema like you and still does twice daily massage .
    We want to go to Spain for few days, did you have problems flying , ours is only short 2 hours flight .
    Many thanks /Steve


    • Hi Steve

      I hope your wife is recovering ok: please send her my best wishes.

      8 weeks post-treatment we went on a trip to Spain and Morocco, involving a 2.5. hour flight, without any problems. I did have access to Kinesiology tape though, which I found incredibly helpful (you can pick it up on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Apricot-Kinesiology-Elastic-Sports-Support/dp/B00E92T60K/ref=pd_sim_sg_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0VM2JPQKFJWJ0KF7GCCR ). Apart from this, there are a variety of collars out there which may help. I just remembered to massage at hourly intervals and I felt fine. Apparently, my oncologist only become more concerned with flights over four hours – we had one of those four months post-treatment, but again i managed to keep up the massage & tape regime and didn’t suffer any ill effects.

      It took ten months for the effects of the lymphoedema to subside: it’s still there, but far less noticeable now. I understand that this is different for all individuals.

      Hope this is of some help to you?
      Best wishes


  2. Hi Theo ,
    Many thanks for your quick reply , appreciated , I only thought of your blog after I posted on Mac forum.
    You are correct we have to adjust to things, my wife wakes like you , makes a drink and then does her massage and then back to sleep until 05.25 when she repeats the process before breakfast etc.
    I wonder why can not turn naturally , as I said my wife has endured it since her Operation .
    Thanks again and take care/Steve


  3. Hi Theo, hope you are keeping well and enjoying life. I came across your blog whilst googling “imaginative things to do with your radiotherapy mask”! My friend has just been fitted with his and quite fancied himself as the silver surfer, I must admit his was quite the most handsome mask in the rack.

    I will share your link with him so if he feels it helps, he can be reassured about a few things. He is fairly inundated with helpful and unhelpful offers from friends but has yet to meet anyone whose been there and done that.

    On another note I was mega pleased (apart from Billy Braggs input, marmite man, which I can fast forward) to see your film I thought I had already seen it but that was Sound it Out, so look forward to viewing yours. I wonder if you in your research you came across my friend Al (Kevin) of Rough Trade Vintage

    Thanks again for sharing your experience on line



    • Hello Ann
      Pleased you enjoyed the film but as you say, I’m only an interested viewer but a passionate advocate of record shops. Yes, I’ve spent time in RT when in London: great place!

      In terms of the post-treatment life of a mask, I’ve been remiss recently: I promised to get to 101 things to do with one, and I think I’m at 7! A long way to go yet.

      I hope you found the blog of interest: please share the link if you liked it 🙂

      Many thanks


    • Hello Phil – I assume you are the same Phil who wrote the fabulous VdGG book? One of my favourite rock biographies.

      I am in contact with the one current living member of Mortimer (at least I think he’s the only one left). He really doesn’t like his email address being given out, but I could pass on a message from you if you have any details? Hopefully he’s then open for a one-to-one dialogue with you.

      Best wishes


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